Course Overview
Fire is a hazard not often thought about when working in an office. However, it is something you must guard against and be prepared for should one occur. Every year in the U.S., more than a million fire emergencies are reported, causing more than $100 million dollars in damages and thousands of deaths and injuries; of those reported emergencies, approximately 3,000 of them are in offices. This fire prevention safety training shows office workers how a fire starts in an office, as well as how to put it out. This course explains the four classes of fires, each of which may have different methods of ignition and different ways they are extinguished. Regardless of your preparation, however, a fire may still occur. This course shows employees what to do in these situations, including evacuating your office. Utilize the materials presented in this training video and learn how fires begin in an office, how to prevent them, and how to react should one occur, thus ensuring a safer environment for both you and those around you.
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Course Topics
Course Detail
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