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March 9, 2015

4 confidence boosters you didn’t know you needed

True confidence in your abilities can aid in your overall professional growth.

True confidence in your abilities can aid in your overall professional growth.

According to a recent Time article, feeling confident may actually be more than just a feeling. A 2014 study published by the journal Neuron concluded rats wait a certain period of time, a possible thinking period, to make correct decisions during experiments using their orbitofrontal cortex. When the OFC was shut off in later studies, the rats took longer to make a confident decision. Confidence is vital in employee development and workplace culture. Implement these four confidence boosters into your teamwork training.
Believe in your abilities 

  • According to Forbes, eliminating self-doubt is a top priority in becoming more confident. If you believe in your own work ethic than others can too. Be assertive when asked questions and direct when communicating with customers. Understand the role you play in your company to ensure you can succeed in your position.

Practice good posture

  • Non-verbal body language, how you stand, sit or move, can affect how you perceive yourself. When speaking in meetings or during conferences, make yourself appear bigger by widening your shoulders and standing up straight. Study participants who made these moves had a 20 percent increase in testosterone and a 25 percent decrease in stress, according to Prevention.

Surround yourself with positivity

  • According to the National Association for Self Esteem, associating with positive and supportive people will encourage you to see yourself in a better light. If there is a negative person around, be cordial, but don’t be afraid to take the space from them that you need to excel in your role.

Set goals 

  • Understand daily duties vital to your role, but also set and work towards long-term goals. This can, “shape and update how you define yourself while at the same time helping you add to your sense of accomplishment,” according to Psychology Today.


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