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September 2, 2014

Back To School: Be Accountable in the Workplace

It’s back to school time—time for packing lunches, school supply shopping, after school programs, and sports. Parents encourage their kids to start the year off strong. In the same light, the fall is a great time for companies to empower their employees to finish the year off strong.Back-to-School

One way to finish strong is showing accountability toward your employer or co-worker. Accountability is defined as a state of being accountable, liable or answerable. Within the workplace, being accountable can be recognized as one of the most important aspects of a business.

Regardless of what position or job you have been assigned, your behavior can either contribute or counteract in the overall team efforts. Just as a habit can be developed and easily broken. Mastery’s course, “Acting with Accountability,” introduces 10 behaviors to help employees be seen as “accountable.”  The 10 behaviors are summarized below:

  1. Make sure you understand – When given an assignment, don’t be afraid to ask questions. Its key you know how to do your job or assignment. It’s even better when we do it right! Remember, no question is a dumb question.
  2. Write and speak clearly – When communicating with others, be sure to speak and write clearly. Writing and speaking clearly helps prevent mistakes from taking place.
  3. Do what you say you are going to do – Be a person of your word. If you are going to do something, be sure to do what you say you are going to do. This shows that you are a reliable person.
  4. Don’t make excuses – When being accountable, it is key that you take responsibility for all of your actions or behaviors pertaining to your assigned job.
  5. Learn from your mistakes – If you made a mistake, it’s okay. It’s what you do after you have made the mistake that counts, learn from it and move forward.
  6. Be Ethical – Be a person who is honest, when people are watching and when they are not. Being ethical is doing the right thing, all the time.
  7. Take initiative in solving problems – Don’t wait on someone to take initiative. Take advantage of the opportunity and show initiative when solving the problem.
  8. Serve customers in a professional way. – Remember you represent your organization, help customers in a positive and professional manner.
  9. Be a team player – Team work makes the dream work. Show that you are a team player by contributing to your teammates and providing insight when needed.
  10. Know how to resolve your own conflicts – Don’t run to someone else, every time you have an issue. Be empowered to solve your own problems. tumblr_lm8mzv7jhp1qke924o1_500

These 10 behaviors can help change your experience at work and set you up for success. See examples of how you can put these behaviors into motion with, “Acting with Accountability.”

Let Mastery help you master the area of accountability. Get the skills needed to show your employer that they can count on you.

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