E-learning solutions streamline, improve employee training

Organizations in the U.S. and across the globe are using e-learning solutions to train employees.
Saving money and time
According to The Wall Street Journal, many employers leverage e-learning products to offer flash learning sessions that last minutes and are delivered through mobile devices. Education experts say this approach is optimal during an era in which Americans exhibited shortened attention spans.
“The way that people learn has shifted,” Calvin Ng, director of learning and development at Pernod Ricard USA, said in an interview with the newspaper. “Employees are not necessarily engaged by sitting down in a classroom and looking through hundreds of slides and being talked at today.”
Chief financial officers and operations executives perk up at the mention of these abbreviated sessions, as they save company money and time. With these streamlined training courses, employees aren’t required to leave their posts to attend off-site events and companies don’t have to spend money on renting conferencing spaces or hiring third-party trainers.
Organizations like Gap and Uber employ flash training programs. Adidas also uses such a program, reported Forbes. The company adopted a campus-wide “informal learning” initiative that leverages technology to train its 51,000 employees, half of which are 30 and younger.
The program includes a variety of modules, including gamified training activities, brief videos and massive open online courses.

Improving employee training
Over the last few years, e-learning innovators have turned to competency-based learning models that emphasize the development of concrete skills and offer learners a personalized educational experience. As a result, many platforms allow employers to build out detailed, skills-based courses and track employee progress using performance analytics.
Conversely, employees can learn at their own pace and really absorb the information. Ultimately, everyone wins.
Integrating on-the-job experience
Because many of these e-learning platforms work on mobile devices, employees can learn new skills and immediately put them to use in the work environment. This arrangement facilitates a variety of separate strategies that make for a well-trained workforce.
Namely, it allows managers to lead their employees through real-life situations and supplement that on-the-job training with an extensive digital knowledge base. According to the Harvard Business Review, this supervisor-employee interaction is key in the context of workplace training. With mobile e-learning apps, employees can benefit from online training materials and practical, in-person instruction, simultaneously.
E-learning solutions are easy to find
MasteryTCN works with a variety of HR cloud service providers, many employers are already using for their Talent Management Systems and Learning Management Systems. You can get MasteryTCN’s great content from the vendors you already work with and prefer. And if your current HR cloud service provider doesn’t already have a partnership, we can find a solution to connect you to our content.
MasteryTCN offers a library of over 700 courses employees can access from ANY device, including smart phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops. All of our courses are broken up into chapters that typically run a few minutes long – making it easy for an employee to start their training on their smart phone while they wait for the train, pick it back up when they have a few minutes of downtime waiting for a meeting to start, and finish it up the next day at lunch.
Learn more at www.masterytcn.com