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May 8, 2013

Free Anhydrous Ammonia Online Workplace Safety Training

At Mastery, we are committed to workplace safety, and after the fertilizer plant explosion in West, Texas, we recognize that loved ones lost and/or injured, are irreplaceable.   Questions will continue to arise about what exactly took place during that dreadful day, and though we do not have all the answers, we are able to provide training courses that cover the basic facts about anhydrous ammonia and other inorganic oxidizers that may have been factors in the explosion.
We recently posted about donating to relief funds. To further help spread awareness of preventing theses types of tragedies Mastery and Emergency Film Group, the original content producer of the course, are offering the Video On Demand training course, Anhydrous Ammonia, free of charge at until Tuesday, May 21, 2013.  We believe that training and education can help keep people and the environment safe as well as be vital to workplace safety for various industries.
This training course offers basic knowledge, precautions and procedures for encounters with this hazardous chemical.  Most people recognize ammonia as being readily available at local supermarkets as a common household detergent and disinfectant (ammonium hydroxide).  The use of this chemical can be uncomfortable because of its pungent and irritating odor; this characteristic is what it has in common with its close relative, anhydrous ammonia.  Anhydrous (meaning without water) ammonia is a hazardous gas that encompasses a distinct odor.  The penetrating, suffocating odor is its main characteristic.  Its greatest threat to humans is the caustic effect it has; highly harmful and irritating to eyes, respiratory tract and skin.
With our mission to help build amazing organizations, another course to be highlighted with a similar topic is Inorganic Oxidizers.  Both courses being offered cover areas concerning the hazardous chemicals, including:

  • Health hazards
  • Uses
  • Storage
  • Response
  • Storage
  • Reactivity
  • Safety

Our thoughts are with the victims of this disaster and the community in its recovery.

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