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August 5, 2011

Hazardous Waste Removal for Large Quantity Generators

Of the different classifications of hazardous waster generators Large Quantity Generators (LQGs) represent the operations which create over 1,000 kilograms or more per month of hazardous waste. Your facility can also be considered a Large Quantity Generator if it produces more than 1 kilogram per month of acutely hazardous waste.
Visit the Environmental Protection Agency’s web page on hazardous waste to learn more about the categories of generators and the corresponding regulations. The EPA also had a fact sheet available with information for Large Quantity Generators.

When accumulating great amounts of hazardous waste it is important to consider the risks when handling, storing and transporting the materials. A spill or accident involving hazardous waste could be harmful to people and the environment.
Hazardous Waste: Management & Minimization – Large Quantity Generators” demonstrates to employees how to properly and safely manage hazardous waste to avoid potential accidents.
Some of the specific topics include:

  • Identification of waste
  • Managing waste containers
  • On-site accumulation
  • Satellite accumulation
  • Emergency preparedness
  • Transportation of waste
  • Waste Minimization
Small quantity generators have different considerations when it comes to waste management. “Hazardous Waste: Management & Minimization – Small Quantity Generators” provides information for employees of facilities dealing with smaller amounts of hazardous waste.

The truth is any amount of hazardous waste is dangerous and needs to be managed carefully to protect the safety of people and the environment.

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