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February 14, 2014

Keep Workplace Safety Resolutions the Entire Year with New Training Courses

Most people have probably already given up on their New Year’s resolutions. So in the spirit of it still being relatively early in 2014, Mastery Technologies wants to help organizations initiate and keep a resolution to promote and maintain a safer workplace.  In doing so, we’ve recently released 11 new course titles from content provider ERI Safety Videos.  Each video covers specific safety topics to encourage workers to take responsibility in following safety precautions and procedures in the work environment.  The new course titles are:

These ERI courses are great to replace older titles employees may have previously viewed.  They depict realistic and up-to-date scenarios to promote total comprehension and awareness in specific areas of safety. The 11 new courses are great editions to our already extensive course library, reiterating the importance of workplace safety and proper training.

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