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Management: Change
Training on change management helps leaders guide their teams through the inevitable changes organizations face every day. Check out these courses on managing organizational change.
Lessons: 1
Training Time: 1-1
Formula For Change In 1 Minute
Lessons: 1
Training Time: 1-1
Dealing With Change In 1 Minute
Lessons: 5
Training Time: 9-9
Dealing With Change
Lessons: 5
Training Time: 6-6
Leading Innovation: Trystorming
Lessons: 3
Training Time: 7-9
Leading Change – McKinsey’s 7-S Model
Lessons: 3
Training Time: 16-16
Leading Change: Kotter’s 8 Step Change Model
Lessons: 3
Training Time: 11-11
Leading Change: Kurt Lewin’s 3 Stage Change Model
Lessons: 5
Training Time: 11-15
Agility In Times Of Change
Lessons: 10
Training Time: 21-26