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Safety: Bloodborne Pathogens
To prevent the spread of diseases like HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C, all employees who handle blood or other potentially infectious materials must be trained to avoid exposure, which could result in serious illness and death. These bloodborne pathogens training courses offer important, potentially life-saving lessons on subjects like: how to avoid needle sticks, handling potentially infectious materials, hand washing, and use of personal protective equipment.

Lessons: 8
Training Time: 12-20
Bloodborne Pathogens Awareness For Construction Workers – To The Point

Lessons: 11
Training Time: 12-21
Bloodborne Pathogens: To The Point

Lessons: 1
Training Time: 3-9
Bloodborne Pathogens In Industrial Facilities: HIV And Hepatitis

Lessons: 1
Training Time: 2-8
Bloodborne Pathogens In Industrial Facilities: Infection And The Exposure Control Plan

Lessons: 1
Training Time: 3-7
Bloodborne Pathogens In Industrial Facilities: Methods Of Exposure Control

Lessons: 1
Training Time: 4-10
Bloodborne Pathogens In Industrial Facilities: Personal Protection And Vaccination

Lessons: 1
Training Time: 3-9
Bloodborne Pathogens In Industrial Facilities: Housekeeping And Regulated Waste

Lessons: 1
Training Time: 3-9
Bloodborne Pathogens In Industrial Facilities: Accidental Exposure Procedures

Lessons: 8
Training Time: 20-30